• Do you spend long periods of time sitting or standing?
  • Have you tension in your lower back, hips and shoulders?
  • Is moving without discomfort a challenge?
  • Do you want to reduce your back problems?
  • Have you aches and pains in your upper back, shoulders and neck?
  • Do you want to feel confident in not having recurring back trouble?
  • Are you recovering from injuries or surgery?
  • Are you looking to improve your posture and core strength?
  • Are you returning back to movement after a pregnancy or a period of no exercise?
  • Have you fallen into some bad movement habits?
  • Do you want core support for doing your other activities like walking, running, tennis, football, golf or cycling etc?
  • Would you like to feel more agile and add a spring in your step?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then SpineCare Pilates could be for you as these exercises are mainly floor based. We will be working on the back, side and front of your body with some standing exercises. We will correct faulty movement patterns and habits to improve your posture and overall well-being. This will allow you to sit and stand better and to move more effectively in your other activities.

Even better, sign up below for a FREE Taster Session!

Never tried Pilates before and want to find out more about what we do?

Why a Free class? This way you can experience Pilates and see if it is beneficial to you and that you enjoy it!

Fill in your details below and we will contact you to arrange your FREE SpineCare Pilates session.

We look forward to welcoming you.

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