Thankyou for enquiring about our six week beginners
training programme 
The programme is aimed at women over 50, though we have much younger women, much older women, and at times a few blokes join in!
I’m 62 and weight training along with my clinical Pilates works and I would like to encourage more women to workout with weights!
Our next six week beginners course starts Monday the 13th Jan.
Here’s some info for you to look at to see if it’s right for you.
“I have become so much stronger since doing your online classes regularly. Always feel safe in the knowledge you know your stuff, you do things correctly, ‘nag’ us to do things properly, much needed constantly and you make it very clear who should and should not do certain movements. Brilliant, oh, and you make me laugh, always good for the soul!!”
Our aim is to teach safe exercise and techniques to give maximum benefits and reduce the risk for women (and men).
Using researched based methods to be safer and more effective, we will improve core stability without stressing pelvic floor, or doing inappropriate exercises.
Spinal fracture and bone breaks are no fun!!! We can help increase your bone density and even prevent you getting it.
Classes will be live on Facebook, but you can do this in your own time. Set a time in your diary!
There are three classes, two shorter workouts at 30 mins, and one longer 50 min class. For the best results do all three, however some members do just do one class a week, if this is the case I’d recommend the Wednesday session.
The workout will have a warmup and cool down, which is essential to get best results and reduce the risk of injury. Specifically with women over 50 this is SOOOO important!
How to join;
Sign up for your first six weeks programme by subscribing on the link at the bottom of this page.
This programme is not about weight loss, however it may be for you – that comes more down to what you eat and drink. If you are watching your weight then this will only help! You will however, get stronger and more toned! Those bones will benefit reducing the risk of fracture, it benefits mental health as well as boosting metabolism. More so than say going for a run.
“I’ve really enjoyed my first 5 weeks on Cherry’s weights course. I usually try to do the classes live, but find that it’s also very useful, as a beginner, to be able to pause the videos (if doing on catch up) because you can really study the technique. I’ve been very cautious for my first course and Cherry is great at giving alternatives for different conditions. (I’ve had a knee replacement and have lymphoedema in one arm.) Cherry is extremely knowledgeable and her classes always raise my spirits.”
What do I get?
In this six-week session there will be three weighted workouts a week, over six weeks.
I will teach separate abdominal workouts specifically for those with Osteoporosis, neck problems, vaginal prolapse, abdominal issues or post natal women.
Another abdominal session will be aimed at those who don’t have those specific conditions. So you can choose which is best for you.
You can do the weight training sessions live on Facebook or they will be there on our Facebook page for you to do in your time.
Monday 19.30 – LIVE on Facebook
Wednesday 10.30 – LIVE on Facebook
Friday 10am – LIVE on Facebook
NB occasionally some sessions may be pre recorded or repeated.
If you do ONE class a week that’s SIX classes ! If you don’t do any that’s NONE!
You are beautiful as you are you will be a stronger
more positive version of you! 
Weight training can help you feel better, look better and move better
You will feel stronger and improve your everyday function and energy it can help support joints
You will help to build your bone density !!!
Weight training increases your metabolic rate
Weight training can improve mental health and well being
This programme will NOT contain exercises that I believe can cause more harm than good , you won’t ever get a double leg raise or a bent over toe touch from me.
Options will always be given for common conditions or injuries you may identify in your screening. I will ask you via email if you have any conditions or injury that I need to be aware of.
However if you are at all worried you should check with your doctor or physiotherapist to make sure you are confident the programme is right for you.
What you will need:
You will need a mat or towel to lay on and a small pillow
You will need a resistance band, which you can get for £8 at the Pilates Studio Glossop or I can provide you with a link to buy .
Invest in or borrow weights , ideally two dumb bells , though I would love it if you had a variety of weights and a kettle bell.
But even two bottles of water are ok to get you started.
If you are a beginner, I would suggest 2kg. Dumb bells and one £4 kg kettle bell, but this is only a suggestion.
If your not sure start with here are the very basics, a resistance band, a mat a pillow, and two 2kg dumbbells or suitable weights for you . That’s it .
Those of you who are already training with weights I do want you to try and work heavier if that’s right for your body . Look on eBay often second hands weight are far cheaper than buying new weights .
Meeting up to train with another person would be good accountability and encouragement.
I would suggest a day between each of your workouts if possible. You can do them on what ever days suit you!
Research has shown that after menopause shorter – heavier workouts are more beneficial.
There are Technique videos on our face book page along with terms and conditions.
Remember I can’t see you on Facebook so I will always go through technique
Last bit not least, I plan our exercise selection with effectiveness and safety in mind . However, you can’t be seen when you are joining in classes on Facebook . You will be participating of your own free will.
If you have any doubt about its suitability for you, please check with your health practitioner, GP or physio and do email me with any questions .
By agreeing to join the community you are aware that whilst every effort is made to give general adaptations and to be as safe as possible you are responsible for your own health and wellbeing.
I’m so excited for you to join our little community.
Cherry x
Any questions please just send me an email x
- You do need a tablet or computer and a Facebook account
- Please note you can open a private face book account that nobody sees, but you can join us. Email or FB Messenger us if you need any help!
- If you have a Smart TV, you can put your computer or Smart phone through it to join us in full screen.
- We would recommend buying a stand for your phone or tablet so you can see the screen and easily adapt for standing and mat work. I’ve had some good ones for under £30 on Amazon or B&M.
- If you have friends who would be interested, get them to join you, joining in the Fitness Fun.

£36 six week course